
Category MALICIOUS DOMAIN: cashcrate.com (IP - SCAMMING, SPAMMING, PHISHING, MALWARE (Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Delf.uvk)

The following Domain is classified as Malicious and is classified as a pay-to-surf Website. Pay to surf (PTS) is a business model that became popular in the late 1990s, prior to the dot-com crash (As well known as: The Internet Bubble). Stay away from such promising businesses as they go hand in hand with Phishing, Scam, Spam, potentially using your data without knowledge of yours. You are as well set to get infected with malware will note in the analysis. Once again: Stay away from such dubious promises, do not forget: its just a BUBBLE.

Analysis of cashcrate.com @:

  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/fed5ebc40ecc8cae6c010c3eced8646bf9988b09a835393fda21cf3275a36272/analysis/1386487046/
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/fd037ee05e7153b48f29f278ea7152ac59f1da90c223b055497aaabf9aaec125/analysis/1386487054/

The Domain as well as the IP is listed @ hpHosts:

The Latest files submitted to VirusTotal that are detected by one or more antivirus solutions and communicate with the IP address when executed in a sandboxed environment:

See as well on this malicious Domain @:

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