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  • Please notice that most of all those Mails that include "Ruby" (Example), are connected to Gambling Sites who want to "steal" your hard earned money in many different ways. You will ALWAYS lose. Consider going to a "real" Casino, instead of gambling online, although the chance losing more money than gaining it is potentially low as well. "Ruby"-Mails are not only SPAM but as well Scam, Phishing, and downloads of Malware (Riskware). These domains rarely last more than a month and they change the name again. Ignore & delete those Mails and the included links. Otherwise you will be set onto a potential Risk, damaging your PC.

Mail von Erubylifeland
  • Bitte beachten sie dass sogut wie alle E-Mails die im URL den Namen "Ruby" (Beispiel) enthalten und die im SPAM-Ordner liegen (oder auch nicht), in Verbindung stehen mit (zum Teil illegalem) Glücksspiel (Online-Casinos), die nur darauf bedacht sind ihr hart erworbenes Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen. Wenn Sie aber unbedingt "zocken" möchten, wäre es ratsamer ein echtes Casino zu besuchen. Obwohl man dort im Normalfall auch, eher ärmer als reicher dieses verlässt. "Ruby-Mails" stehen nicht nur mit SPAM im Zusammenhang, sondern auch mit SCAM, Phishing und schädliche Downloads von schädlicher Software (ganz oft werden diese schädlichen Downloads ohne Wissen des Besuchers) auf den PC heruntergeladen. Am besten ist man meidet diese Sites, ansonsten könnte ihr PC beschädigt werden.


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The IP Address (IP Location: POLAND) is listed in the CBL (Composite Blocking List). It appears to be infected with a spam sending trojan, proxy and/or some other form of botnet. This IP is infected (or NATting for a computer that is infected) with the Maazben Spambot. In other words, it's participating in a botnet.

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INTERNATIONAL Online Child Predators: The Lost Boy Bulletin Board
(Part 3)

Jeffrey Greenwell

The biggest Question remained: Who was producing this material ? Who were those men captured in the photos and the videos, carrying out acts of molestation over and over and over again ? Who and where ARE those children ?

Thomas F. Eagleton Federal Courthouse
The office of U.S. Attorney Carrie Costantin on the 21st floor of the Thomas F. Eagleton Federal Courthouse faces north, is giving the federal prosecutor an privileged view of the downtown St. Louis' Gateway Mall. The veteran assistant U.S. attorney, who grew up in University City and studied law at the University of Chicago, is blessed with a streak of spontaneous humor that is contradictious to compare it with the dark nature of her specialization.

Over a decade, trying cases for the Eastern District of Missouri, Costantin has prosecuted uncountable cases of child molesters. In 2006 she was lifted to the regional coordinator for the U.S. Department of Justice's new Project Safe Childhood program. (She stepped down a few years ago, in order to assume a new role as the supervisor of White Collar Crime Unit in Washington D.C.) It's not unthinkable that Costantin may tried more child-pornography cases than anyone else in the nation.

St. Louis' Gateway Mall

In 2010, the Eastern District of Missouri took on 84 child-exploitation cases. (More than any other judicial district in the United States. In each of the two years preceding, the office ranked second.)

In September 2009 Costantin received a call from federal Officers in St. Louis, indicating that a Los Angeles investigation into an Web-based network of child-porn devotees had turned up a possible connection to the Greater St. Louis.

A pedophile living overseas, had told the Los Angeles LE investigators that a man who went by the screen name "Muddyfeet" was producing extensive amounts of child pornography in Missouri. The name "Muddyfeet" also came up during the questioning of a Lost Boy suspect who attributed a large set of pornographic stills of young boys, to a photographer who operated under that alias. The third chase for Mister "Muddyfeet" was an archived chat-room exchange between a Lost Boy member and an outside acquaintance who went by the screen name Muddyfeet that was found on a computer, that the Los Angeles squad seized as evidence, brought the picture into a better focus. A specific file included an e-mail address, which was traced back to Franklin County, Missouri. The e-mail adress belonged to Jeffrey Greenwell.

Although the information outcome was enticing, it would be difficult, to secure a search warrant, prosecute anybody, with nothing more to go on but a"possible" name, an Internet screen name (Muddyfeet), two addresses and a handful of pictures of nameless boys being raped. In order to obtain a search warrant, at least ONE of those childs on those photos had to be positively identified.

At the same time, Costantin was fully judicious of the impact of urgency the case had. Her Los Angeles associates meanwhile were pursuing an ongoing child-porn enterprise and had good reason to presume that some of the men involved were actively molesting children.

Michael Osborn (left)
As Michael Osborn, the FBI agent who heads up the SAFE task force in Los Angeles, stated:  

"We knew there were hands-on victims out there that we had to ID as quickly as possible. We didn't have a six-month luxury. Every day counted."

The FBI assigned a St. Louis agent to investigate, based on the lead they had. For local assistance, the bureau received help from the Franklin County Sheriff's Department.

Lieutenant Chuck Subke, who runs the county sheriff's detective division, began by visiting the two addresses linked to Greenwell. One was a vacant lot. The other, about the size of a single-wide mobile home, was wrapped at the back end of Meramec State Park, only a few hundred yards from the river.

The size of a single-wide mobile home. Residence of
Jeffrey Greenwell
Subke traced the license plates on the two cars that were parked in front of the cottage. Both were registered to Greenwell's name. From observating it, it seemed he was living there on his own.

The next investigating step was that Subke along with the assigned FBI agent visited several Franklin County elementary schools, where they asked each principal to go through the halfdozen of pictures of fully clothed boys (they had received those photos from their colleagues in Los Angeles) to look for eventually familiar faces. On October 22nd, 2009, two weeks into the so far unsuccessful mission, they got their first hit, when a principal pointed out one of the boys in his school's hallway: a fourth grader.

Catherine Connell
Law enforcement then contacted the boy's mother. Later they flew in FBI investigator Catherine S. Connell from Detroit. She is specialized in questioning children and/or adolescents. Connell, had spent that past year flying around the country, interviewing the majority of the victims who had emerged from the Lost Boy investigation.

Speaking with children about molestation is complex, as demonstated in the McMartin preschool trial in California during the 1980s. That embarrassing debacle, which costed the U.S. taxpayer over 15 million USD, and jailed an innocent man for five years. The whole case was set up by false testimonies, spiffed up to the point of absurdity, that a therapist extracted hundreds of children into satanical rituals. After six years of criminal trials, no convictions were obtained, and all charges were dropped in 1990.

"You don't set out to upset the children you interview,", Connell says, "but you don't want them to suppress memories that by their nature are upsetting. Nor do you want to put words in their mouths." She continues "You talk about the truth, and you test whether they can tell the difference between a truth and a lie."

Connell says "When broaching potentially traumatizing subjects with kids, you need to be careful to both: reassuring but skeptical."

This is the “secret tunnel” described in the McMartin case as a place where “crimes were committed”
"I try to reduce suggestibility and authority," she says, describing a technique based on guidelines adopted by the state of Michigan designed to prevent kids from fabricating stories. "The difference between what we do and what other investigators do is that we go in unbiased, seeking to test the hypothesis rather than confirm it. We use phrases like, 'If you don't know the answer, then tell me you don't know it.'"

Part 1:   
Part 2:   
Part 4:   
Part 5:   


ALERT Notification: Vulnerability Note VU#348126 in the "monlist" - NTP can be abused to amplify denial-of-service attack traffic

A vulnerability in the "monlist" feature of NTP can allow remote attackers to cause distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) via forged requests. US-CERT and the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Center (CCIRC) have both observed active use of this attack vector in recent DDoS attacks.

For further information, check the following Links:

ALERT Notification: Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for January 2014

Microsoft has issued a Security Bulletin Advance Notification indicating its January release will contain four bulletins. These bulletins will have the severity rating of important and will be for Microsoft Office, Server Software, Windows, and Microsoft Dynamics AX, a multi-language, multi-currency enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution.

This is an advance notification of security bulletins that Microsoft is intending to release on January 14, 2014.

This bulletin advance notification will be replaced with the January bulletin summary on January 14, 2014. For more information about the bulletin advance notification service, see Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification.

To receive automatic notifications whenever Microsoft Security Bulletins are issued, subscribe to Microsoft Technical Security Notifications.

Microsoft will host a webcast to address customer questions on the security bulletins on January 15, 2014, at 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada). Register now for the January Security Bulletin Webcast.

Microsoft also provides information to help customers prioritize monthly security updates with any non-security, high-priority updates that are being released on the same day as the monthly security updates. Please see the section, Other Information.

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Just another Spam from: www.ratgeberplatz.com: „Ihr H&M Gutschein im Wert von 200 Euro“ („Your H&M Coupon worth 200 Euro“) - Germany (Deutschland)


www.ratgeberplatz.com is a Spamdomain. Just delete those mails. Do not click "unsuscribe Newsletter". If you do so, they only will register that you have read the Mail, and Spamming will become worse ! See Screenshot.

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www.ratgeberplatz.com ist eine eindeutige Spamdomain. Diese Mails sollte man getrost löschen. Bloss nicht auf "Newsletter abbestellen" klicken. Das einzige was anschliessend geschieht, ist dass sie von dieser Domain noch mehr Spam geschickt bekommen, da sie sich durch ihren Klick preisgegeben haben, und die Domain ratgeberplatz.com nun weiss, dass sie die E-Mail gelesen haben ! Siehe Screenshot.

Verwandte Artikel: 

INTERNATIONAL Online Child Predators: The Lost Boy Bulletin Board
(Part 2)

Jeffrey Greenwell
Although the investigators scanned the World Wide Web on a regularly basis, for clues or links that might lead to active child-porn message boards and Pedophiles, this was the very first time they had heard of the group with the Pseudonym "Lost Boy".

At this moment, this unexpected curve came for the investigating crew as a discerning eye. As Woodrow Tracy, one of the confessors, provided to LE his screen name and password, and under the guise of their informant, the investigators builded a profile of the pedophile-network members.

About thirty-six (36) members, on four continents. Online they identified themselves with Screenames like "Bobo," "Undy12" or "Harry Potter" and branded themselves as "boylovers", relating to a Club that Anthony Jasso was a member of

Note, that Justin Lee is (was) a Phoenix-based pediatric anesthesiologist

In the Court documents, is a 45-page federal grand jury indictment included, wich was filed in September 2009 as well as a 41-page sworn affidavit from an Ohio FBI agent. These records list a vast lineup of pornographic images involving young boys, and is described with numbing impersonal details, like:

"One image depicts a nude, prepubescent boy kneeling on a bed with his buttocks in the air exposing his anus, scrotum, and penis. There is semen on his buttocks."

Another image:

"depicts the face of a prepubescent boy bent over a bed and facing down. Behind him, a post-pubescent male appears to be engaging in anal sex with the boy, while holding a revolver pointed at the boy's buttocks."

In a series of seven images:

"depict a minor boy, approximately 12 to 13 years old, with a baseball bat inserted in the boy's anus. Two of the images depict what appears to be the same boy, with a Crayola marker inserted in his anus. In the message, [Lost Boy member] mr bean wrote 'almost baseball season...'."

Most of the boys in the photos were between seven and twelve years old. One even had the Down syndrome.

Among those videos that the Los Angeles Task Force seized, were several that featured an identical opening sequence: an image twirling into focus to reveal the iconic cartoon Great Dane Scooby-Doo, followed by the slogan "Scooby-Doo Productions"

The LE Agents would soon learn that those Scooby-Doos had cropped up in child-porn videos nationwide, but no one was able to trace the videos back to their sources.

In its efforts to evade detection, the group simulated an country club for only selected members. A new Lost Boy Prospect could only join, if proposed by another Forum member. In the order to remain in good standing, all members were enforced to upload new images and videos or post links to them in regular intervals. A extended span of inactivity was taken as a sign that authorities may have blown up a member's account.

Court documents indicate that members believed they were immune to detection. One wrote:

"Some Latin boys for your enjoyment,".

Another one posted: "Have fun and watch out for sticky keyboards, lol,".

In another posting, a member expressed his displeasure for "Asian boys or darker," and "If I had one in my arms, they would just be like tissue paper. Use em and then throw away."

Some other member commented on that "Throw-away"-Post, as followed:
"yeesh why throw them away when you know that me and "flipper," (a Lost Boy member) will gladly take em? (emoticon)" 

Some other member stated on the same thread:
"hey! I am attracted to tissue paper so i don't appreciate your comments. I like the rolled up kind that most people call toilet paper. I saw a roll at the grocery store the other day that looked good to me. It was 100% recycled roll so it wasx (sic) slightly darker than the rest. That turned me on. It was really soft and smooth and had a good personality. I paid a man so I could take it home with me. We played, Xbox, watched some Adam Sandler movies, and then had sweaty sex on the floor. The next day we went into town and i bought it a skateboard."

The 2009 Los Angeles indictment named twelve alleged Lost Boy members (see box above) and charged them with operating a child-exploitation enterprise; conspiracy to advertise, transport, receive, distribute, solicit, and posses child pornography; and interstate transportation of child pornography.

Part 1:   
Part 3:   
Part 4:   
Part 5:   


Steven Martinez, assistant director in charge of the FBI in Los Angeles said something very important to the LOST BOY CASE, so public should be aware what is happening every day around us (IN PLAIN SIGHT):

"The Lost Boy case represents a global subculture that exists for the purpose of trading of child pornography and other tools used to sexually exploit children. The FBI and our partners in Los Angeles and globally will continue to work together to identify these networks and to pursue charges against those who abuse children."


Just another Spam from: www.ratgeberplatz.com: „Ihr Bewerbungsgespräch. Ihr Gehalt: 300 Euro“ („Your Job Interview. Salary 300 Euro a day“) - Germany (Deutschland)


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Für Deutsche Leser:

www.ratgeberplatz.com ist eindeutig eine Spamdomain. Diese Mails sollte man getrost löschen. Bloss nicht auf "Newsletter abbestellen" klicken. Das einzige was anschliessend geschieht, ist dass sie von dieser Domain noch mehr Spam geschickt bekommen, da sie sich durch ihren Klick preisgegeben haben, und die Domain ratgeberplatz.com nun weiss, dass sie die E-Mail gelesen haben ! Siehe Screenshot.

Verwandte Artikel: 

INTERNATIONAL Online Child Predators: The Lost Boy Bulletin Board
(Part 1)

Jeffrey Greenwell
Wraped like a virtue inside a bend of the Meramec River at Miramiguoa Park is a remarkably secluded piece of real estate. Surrounded on three sides by the river, the sparsely populated 200 Acre village with 120 residents, guards its upcountry flank with the completeness of the Meramec State Park, whose borders stretch south and west through the Franklin County Ozarks.

The Meramec River, Missouri
To get to Miramiguoa Park you must stay on Interstate 44 all the way to Sullivan, then exit and circle through several miles of deep Missouris forestterrain.

Around this beautyful landscape, in 2009, a little house in Miramiguoa Park was getting on the focus by Law Enforcement. By then, on the front door of that tiny house there has been a sticky sticker of the well known cartoon hero Scooby-Doo. From here on "Scooby-Doo" would play a major role in one of the most significant busts of an international acting Pedophile-Ring:
The Lost Boy Bulletin Board.

Greenwells house, the start of a falling Pedophile-Ring
The man who rented that house was almost unknown to neighbors in the area. No one took much notice of him (nor of the young boy who showed up every now and then).

On October 23rd, 2009, a breezy afternoon, a team of five state and federal law-enforcement agents drove to Miramiguoa Park and took up positions to offer them a plain sight to that unimpressive cottage. Two additional officers stationed themselves up the access road, just outside the village. The weeks before, Missouri Law enforcement, local and federal, had been investigating tips comming from the FBI Los Angeles Field Division, concerning the man who rented this specific cottage.

Then they waited for the man inside the house, to show up, to come out.



Steven Martinez, assistant director in charge of the FBI in Los Angeles said something very important to the LOST BOY CASE, so public should be aware what is happening every day around us (IN PLAIN SIGHT):

"The Lost Boy case represents a global subculture that exists for the purpose of trading of child pornography and other tools used to sexually exploit children. The FBI and our partners in Los Angeles and globally will continue to work together to identify these networks and to pursue charges against those who abuse children."

Brian Mize is a genuine, approved computer geek. A computer forensic investigator from St.Louis, who is assigned as a Special Federal Agent with the FBI Cyber Division. Mize also teached different Internet-investigation techniques at the St. Louis County Police Academy . He also attended local and national hacker conferences in undercover. Mize is as well a member of RCCEEG.

Brian Mize (left)
One of Mize's investigative "specialties" is child pornography above child exploitation. His capabilities resume back to the decade of Video Home System (VHS). He participated then, in the infamous Michael Devlin case, where Devlin, a Imo's Pizza Pizza-manager, kidnapped 13-year-old William Benjamin Ownby, whom he kept hostage and molested for four years.

The nightmare ended on January 12th, 2007, when LE Officers found another missing teenage boy, Shawn Hornbeck at Devlins Place. Hornbeck had disappeared on October 6th, 2002, at the age of eleven, while riding his bike to a friend's house in Richwoods, Missouri. No one had heard from Hornbeck ever again, until he was discovered in Devlin's apartment back that day. Devlin is currently serving 74 life sentences for these crimes.

Devlin after his arrest in 2007
Mize often educates parents and teachers about how much easier child molestation has become in the digital era, when so many youngsters are outfitted with smartphones and tablets.

The nonprofit Organisation National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) reported in 2009, that it received over 17 million pornographic images and videos through its Victim Identification Program (VIP), twice as much as in 2008.

"It's no longer a five-foot cord attached to the wall. Bad guys have unprecedented access to communication with kids, and it's made things more dangerous", Mize stated.

Beneath Mize's desk sits a enormous Computer that would overpower any ordinary CPU-workstation. Known as FRED (Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device) the PC-facility is designed to create Bit-for-Bit replicas of each piece of electronic evidence investigators seize in a case, and to simplify the process of decrypting data that has been rendered unreadable and password-protected.

A "FRED" Tower
In the fall of 2009, FRED's capabilities were put to the test, after a fellow FBI teammate called to summon him to a small house in the southern Franklin County Outback.

A year earlier, in October 2008, FBI agents in Los Angeles got some information (Two men, a Danish and an Italian national contacted the FBI Bureau in Copenhagen to give the tip), from the bureau's legal attaché in Copenhagen, Denmark, indicating that two men, Harout Hagop Sarafian (Inmate of FCI Lompoc) of North Hollywood and Woodrow Tracy (Inmate of FCI Coleman Low, Florida) of Sun Valley, had traveled to Romania the previous year in order to have sex with young boys.

After obtaining federal warrants, the Los Angeles Sexual Assault and Felony Enforcement Team (S.A.F.E.), a task force comprising federal prosecutors and law-enforcement officers at local, state and federal level, arrested both men and seized computer equipment that turned out to contain a bounty of child pornography.

Both Sarafian and Tracy, confessed to investigators that they belonged to a group that called itself "Lost Boy", an international network of pedophiles, who exchanged extensive amounts of child pornography, including pictures and videos depicting men sexually molesting young boys.

"Lost Boy" operated a password-protected, online forum (the forum was registered in 2007), that allowed members to post digital images and discuss each other's contributions and experiences. The Network also made use of a popular file-sharing site, notifying fellow members, by posting samples on the Lost Boy forum along with links to downloadable files.

Part 2:   
Part 3:   
Part 4:   
Part 5:   


Upcoming Review: The Blast of an International Online Child Predator (Pedophiles) Organization a few years ago. Very hard to digest (Facts) and Reality !

Soon Coming: The Blast of an International Online Child Predator (Pedophiles) Organization, a few years ago. Very hard to digest (Facts) and, sorrowly Reality !


Part 1:   
Part 2:   
Part 3:   
Part 4:   

Facebook User of the Day: Gabriela Frangione from Spain

Who is Gabriela ? :)

Say Hello to Gabriela and Support her LIKEs @:

Gabriela Likes: Unknown to this Day.

Grandma ?


Who is Who ? The Next Election Hack ! Matthew Weaver, the arrogant and unteachable wannabe "Hacker", Sentenced to one Year Federal Prison for Rigging Campus Elections

Matthew Weaver, 22, resident of Huntington Beach, California, and a former candidate for student council president at California State University San Marcos, hoped to guarantee himself victory by rigging the 2012 Associated Students, Inc. election through cyber fraud, but, he ended up winning a year in prison instead. (ROFL)

Weaver was using a Keylogger to steal passwords and identities of nearly 750 fellow students. Then he cast votes for himself (as well of some supporters of him on the ballot) using those stolen names. He was caught during the final hour of the election in March 2012 when network administrators noticed unusual voting activity associated with one single CPU on the campus. A California State Police officer sent to investigate the suspicions, found Weaver working on that particular machine. He had casted more than 600 votes for himself using the stolen identities.

Matthew Weaver
“Some people wanted to paint this as a college prank gone bad, but he took the identities of almost 750 people, and that’s a serious thing,” said Special Agent Charles Chabalko, who worked the investigation out of the FBI San Diego Field Division after being contacted by California State Police authorities. “He had access to these students’ e-mails, financial information, and their social networks. He had access to everything.”
Weaver installed keyloggers (inexpensive devices easily purchased on the Internet) on 19 different campus computers. Those who used the machines were unaware that Weaver later retrieved every keystroke they made, enabling him to obtain their usernames and passwords and then gain access to all their information.

California State University San Marcos
When cyber investigator Chabalko and his partner, Special Agent Nick Arico, analyzed Weaver’s laptop after his arrest, they found a spreadsheet that included the names of all the people whose identities he had stolen. “He kept a detailed indept accounting,” Chabalko said. And that’s not all investigators found.

Weaver had made online searches that included topics such as “jail time for keylogger” and “how to rig an election.”

“He knew what he did was wrong,” Chabalko said. “And even after he was caught, he didn’t want to stand in to what he did. He tried to cover up his actions and blame his crime on other fellow students.”

The evidence against Weaver was simply overwhelming, however, he finally pled guilty in March 2013. At his sentencing, the federal judge who sent Weaver to prison noted that Weaver trying to frame others for his crime is “the phenomenal misjudgment I just can’t get around. That’s what bothers me more than the original rigging of the election.”

The investigators agreed, noting that while it was wrong for Weaver to try and steal the election, “what we were really concerned about was the privacy of those students whose identities he stole” Chabalko said. Prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney’s Office felt the same way, writing in their sentencing memorandum, “Weaver determinedly and repeatedly spied on his classmates, stole their passwords, read their secrets, and usurped their votes—and he did it with his eyes wide open.” (like a child that does not want to acknowledge his wrongdoing ! If someone like that would come to power, then: GOD (PLEASE) BLESS AMERICA !)

Source: FBI, dailymail.co.uk, 10news.com

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  • Additionally, you also can submit a SPAM report to Google (Webmastertools) here.
Vampirestat whois info can be found here:

  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/739a8261db4d68ae323ed83cfbc607b660a24b795f8303556f69a16ff8401d3d/analysis/1389109170/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/7secretsearch.com

www.7secretsearch.com also LINKS TO THESE MALICIOUS DOMAINS (either directly or indirectly):
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/7d7680eeb36197872a2ece324606e7743b74fd3a8e9630c6c368a3e1e21750b3/analysis/1389106363/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/widgets.amung.us
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/e0a975001a88f4f74a9d2b665d51f2926c2419314d71064df9154651e39cf4a3/analysis/1389106564/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/ad.yieldmanager.com
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/e6800829b1dc059b832b190918b88a3bf2a9e3abec2ec851fd97f1ef0cae3d5f/analysis/1389106685/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/content.yieldmanager.edgesuite.net
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/342cf1310c26da63f694aa634371ad46b4eca8e3a872cf6fa57580da670b3f18/analysis/1389110141/ 
  • http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/i.imgur.com/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/i.imgur.com
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/12a7166afab22285b29fbb66a049ff087a12cc15de8946c14c8f854a32753030/analysis/1389110286/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/ads1.qadabra.com
www.7secretsearch.com =
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/53855973d65537bd71949729a1f4d4d0e8cb9abb1a4cf483e3cbabaa00b3b0ed/analysis/1389106168/
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/ip-address/
Fwd/Rev DNS Match: No
  • http://www.senderbase.org/lookup/?search_string=

Category MALICIOUS DOMAIN & IP: www.vampirestat.com - Referrer-Bot - Spam-Bot - (IP: - United States)

Potentially Malicious Spam (PHISHING, REFERRER) Domain:


How To Control Visits From Referring Bots Such as Vampirestat and Adsensewatchdog ?

Have you ever been annoyed by these sites which increases your visits in your blog and no visits appear in Google Analytics? Or the infamous Whos.amung.us toobbar ? The anonymous robot visits from Vampirestat or Adsensewatchdog. Neither Adsensewatchdog nor any other of these Bots have anything whatsoever to do with Google or Google AdSense and are simply spam sites that use automated traffic to blogs to attract clicks to their own sites from blog owners such as you.

Stay away. Traffic from these sites won't affect your standing with the real Adsense, so just ignore them.

Follow the next steps to get these bots under contol and to reduce their traffic:
  • Never click on the referred Domain links in your Blog or Webmaster Satistics, or visit their site.
  • Instead make a post (like this one) on your blog, with a negative review. On the long run their reputation will fall down to hell. Reputation is all that makes them lose.
  • Go to Virus Total (you can stay there anonymous), scan the URL of that Malware Domain, and give em a red flag. If you register you can also post your meaning giving a review. On my blog, if you look through deeply enough, there are enough referring Lookup-Domains for getting information (good or bad) upon a suspicious link or Domain.
  • Additionally, you also can submit a SPAM report to Google (Webmastertools) here.
Vampirestat whois info can be found here:

  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/351a5e04578dbede25165617ca14aa393ee229efdc533bae6a1f0960af976edf/analysis/1389105156/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/vampirestat.com
  • http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/vampirestat.com/
www.vampirestat.com also LINKS TO THESE MALICIOUS DOMAINS (either directly or indirectly):
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/7d7680eeb36197872a2ece324606e7743b74fd3a8e9630c6c368a3e1e21750b3/analysis/1389106363/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/widgets.amung.us
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/e0a975001a88f4f74a9d2b665d51f2926c2419314d71064df9154651e39cf4a3/analysis/1389106564/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/ad.yieldmanager.com
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/e6800829b1dc059b832b190918b88a3bf2a9e3abec2ec851fd97f1ef0cae3d5f/analysis/1389106685/
  • https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/content.yieldmanager.edgesuite.net
www.vampirestat.com =
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/53855973d65537bd71949729a1f4d4d0e8cb9abb1a4cf483e3cbabaa00b3b0ed/analysis/1389106168/
  • https://www.virustotal.com/de/ip-address/
Fwd/Rev DNS Match: No
  • http://www.senderbase.org/lookup/?search_string=